Dan McNay has purchased millions of dollars worth of computers for USC; won the staff speed calculator competition at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel; paddled around Catalina Island with a bunch of Boy Scouts; sold used and rare books in the French Quarter; collected blood from unborn calves in a Utah slaughter house; lectured on Robbe-Grillet; worked the graveyard shift in Monterey, San Francisco & Tucson hotels (it felt like forever); owned and ran a cemetery in Illinois; and played the banjo and sang at the House of Blues-but not necessarily in that order.
He has written “It Knows You By No Other Name”& “The Truth About Treasure Island” “Beneath The Cold Stones” “The Smallest Creatures” available at Amazon
And has produced two CDs “Dan McNay, Banjo, Stories” and “On The Street” available at CD-Baby.
He has sung and played banjo all over the LA area for the last several years.